Edgar Mauricio Jimenez Vargas
Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
Title: Apoptosis in adventitial layer of hydatid cysts
Biography: Edgar Mauricio Jimenez Vargas
Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is a zoonotic infection with high prevalence in part of Eurasia, Africa, Australia, and South America that represents a major public health and economic burden in many countries. Fertile cysts are capable to generate protoscolex, while for unknown reason, some cysts are unable to produce (infertile hydatid cysts). Previous reports showed that apoptosis could be involved in a negative regulation of protoscoleces generation, leading to hydatid cyst infertility but no report are available about cell apoptosis in adventitial layer and the relationship with other parasitic disease like fascioliasis. Materials and Methods: Animals were evaluated to characterize the presence of CE and fasioliasis (FS) in cattle slaughtered at abattoir in Santiago, Chile. Samples were processed for routine histology and stained with heamatoxylin/eosin. Samples from animal with both fertile and infertile cyst from CE and with or without DS was included in this study, using 5 samples per condition. Histological samples were evaluated by immunofluorescence and TUNEL Assay; digital images were obtained using an Olympus BX 41 Microscope and analyzed with software for morphometric analysis (Image Pro-Plus, Media Cybernetics, USA). The adventitial layer apoptotic index was calculated as follows: apoptotic nuclear area in adventitial layer x 100/total nuclear area in adventitial layer. Kruskal-Wallis test was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 (IBM Corporation) software, p <0.05. Results: The apoptotic index in infertile cysts (0.18 ± 0.35%) was significantly higher (p= 0.032) compared with fertile cysts (0.045 ± 0.068%), as the presence of co-infection with liver fluke, both fertile cysts as infertile has a lower apoptotic index without significant difference (p> 0.05). Conclusion: The highest index of apoptosis cells in the adventitia layer of hydatid cysts is related to infertility cysts. The presence of distomatosis decreases cell apoptosis.