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Christian Kwasi Agyeman

Christian Kwasi Agyeman

Taabea Company Limited, Ghana

Title: Malaria is a preventive and curable diseases in Africa


Biography: Christian Kwasi Agyeman


Malaria is a preventive and curable diseases in Africa.

Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by an anopheles mosquito thus, the female mosquitoes. This disease is caused by a plasmodium parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. The severity of malaria depends on the species of plasmodium.

The parasites in mosquitos that spread malaria belong to the Plasmodium genus. Over 100 types of Plasmodium parasite can infect a variety of species. Different types replicates the rates, changing how quickly the symptoms escalate, either severe or uncomplicated.


Mosquito species have different breeding habits, but most want to lay their eggs near water – usually in vegetation or in stagnant water because of the humid temperatures. Female mosquitoes (Anopheles Mosquitoes) which causes malaria, can produce 100-300 eggs at one time, and the eggs can hatch into mosquito larvae within 48 hours.


Malaria happens when a bite from the female Anopheles mosquito infects the body with Plasmodium. Only the Anopheles mosquito can transmit malaria. This transmission is done mostly during the evening but not day because of the exposure to sunlight which can kill by dehydrating. Anopheles mosquitoes enter the house between 5 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. and again in early hours of morning. They start biting by late evening and the peak of biting activity is at midnight and early hours of morning.


Symptoms of malaria can be grouped into two (2) categories, thus Uncomplicated and severe malaria.

  1.  Uncomplicated symptom of Malaria

This symptoms progress with Cold, a sensation of cold with shivering, fever, headaches, and vomiting, seizures sometimes occur in younger people with the disease, sweats, followed by a return to normal temperature, with tiredness  and mostly last for 6-10hrs.

  1. Sever symptoms of Malaria

     Severe malaria, clinical or laboratory evidence shows signs of vital organ dysfunction with      fever and chills, impaired consciousness ,prostration, or adopting a prone position, multiple convulsions, deep breathing and respiratory distress, abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia clinical jaundice.


1 – Distilling of shocked drainage system

2 – Clearing of Bushes (Unwanted Vegetation) which can inhabit mosquitoes

3 – Use of Mosquitoes repellents


The Best and still existing HERBAL WAY to cure malaria is TAABEA HERBAL MIXTURE.

This a traditional preventive and curing system to get rid of malaria in your system. This product contains NATURAL and well grown HERBAL PLANTS that seek to boot your IMMUNE system up and enrich your blood cells to fight any parasite with your blood streams.