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Colombo D. Veronica

Treviglio-Caravaggio Hospital, Italy

Title: Onset of diabetic pediatric age and comorbidy in the last 10 years


Biography: Colombo D. Veronica



Diabetes is a chronic disease resulted of an absent or low product of Insulin Resistance or Tolerance with  a  large  diffusion  in  Italy 3.27  million  (5,4  of  population  by ISTAT),   we  note  a  prospective increase in a future for a major risk to have conditions due to this event. Whereas of Diabetes type II, Diabetes type 1 (DMT1), infant or mellitus is about 10% and is not prevent according scientific study with  auxological  screening  and  with  nutrition  schedule;  but  the  early  diagnosis  is  lifesaver  in  5 thousand cases every year.


The children’s accesses affected by Diabetes in our Emergency and Pediatric Department of Treviglio Hospital in the last10 years, since 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2018 is of 180 reports, 125 total patients. Of which 55 in follow-up and 4 transferred in the HUB center by competence, according to clinical conditions. 125 patients were share in two group by sex: 104 males e 21 females. While 180 reports were divided in two age-groups: pre-scholar 23, scholar and adolescent 157. Differential 125 patients: 123 with childhood Diabetes (with Italian code 775.1 and 250.1). MOBY cases 2 and 57 patients affected by comorbidity.


From date of case-history, we need now analysis 3 groups with outset of diabetes during 2 years of life and of which 19.2%, with comorbidity 21.6%. Cases of Insulin-dipendent Diabetes after 2 years of life are 77,7% and con comorbidity in 24%. With comorbidity outset in the 39.2% and during follow-up in 42.4%. From report 21% of patients have the major part “Celiac Disease” and 6,4% other  infections  (HP  ed  enteritis).  We  note  28%  with  other  Metabolic-Endocrinological  Diseases (acute and chronic).


Reports untill 31 December 2018, we allow now to do a distinction: the first-period since 2009-2011 with early diagnosis in 20.6% and discovered in later age, respect the second-period since 2012-2014 con diagnosis more early with 38.4%. At the end, the early neonatal and mellitus DMT1 of last period, with predictive index in the 55.5% with a better stature-ponderal development, neurological-behavior and nutritional-compliance.