Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Title: What kind of patient are we hospitalizing in the hospital: immunocompetent or immunosuppressed?
Biography: Huang Wei Ling
Introduction: The definition of immunocompetent by Western medicine is that when the patient has not any virus immune deficiency or using any drugs such as corticosteroids, immunosuppressant, chemotherapy, etc or any metabolic disease such as diabetes, chronic renal or hepatic disease and or the presence of malignancies. Other conditions such as radiations or the presence of heavy metals can also be considered in this case. In other studies, they are demonstrating the importance of importance to address which could be the mechanism involved when some people categorized as immune competent begin to have diseases that only immunosuppressive patients have.
Purpose: the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the majority of the patients that are hospitalizing in the hospital are classified as immunosuppressive patients.
Methods: through a research that author did in her clinic in Brazil, from 2015 to 2020, she measured 1000 chakras’ energy centers and from this group, she could analyze 409 files.
Results: in this study, 90% of her patient were in the lowest level of energy meaning that their immune system were very compromised because energy in TCM means immune system. In some studies, they are demonstrating that the cause of the energy deficiency could be the exposition to the electromagnetic radiation by the 5G technology,
Conclusion: the conclusion of this study is that the majority of the patients that we are hospitalizing nowadays could be in the immunosuppressant category and the treatment of this patients replenishing the chakras’ energy centers using homeopathy medications before hospitalizing , when not urgent, could be one of the possible tools used by the physician to reduce complications and the kind the medications used in this patients that have low energy inside the chakras’ centers could be one of the tools to increase the energy, reducing in this case , the formation of hospital infections or any other noninfectious problems such myocardial infarction, strokes, hyperglycemia, etc and also, the increase in the incidence of hospital infections in all these patients induced by wrong eating habits and wrong kinds of medications (the use of excessive highly concentrated medications are responsible for the reduction even more the vital energy, leading to the formation of internal heat, increasing the hospital infections symptoms.