Mohammed Yahoob Syed Ali
Mohamed Sathak college of Arts and Science, India
Title: Regeneration of heart and liver from zebra fish using gold synthesis particle from padina gymnospora marine algae in vivo
Biography: Mohammed Yahoob Syed Ali
The zebrafish, Danio rerio, is a small teleost fish originating from the rivers of northern and eastern India (Engeszer et al. 2007). It possesses a number of advantageous physical characteristics that have resulted in its common use today as a laboratory model. The present study was aimed to identify the heart and liver regeneration in zebra fish using biosynthesis gold nanoparticles from Sargassum sps. Of the selected seaweed extract showed the maximum synthesis of silver nanoparticles. This work focused on the activity of these compounds when incorporated into the zebrafish (Danio rerio) system. We began investigating the in vivo assay effect of these Hepatocyte Viability Staining After H2o2 Treatment, Cardiomyocyte Response to Ca++, Cardio vascular heart rate activity by measuring hypertrophy, Cardio vascular pathology and cardio vascular regeneration, Liver regeneration and Liver pathology, Molecular pathway target identification and Hypothesis on Interacting Domain (Agno3) of the vertebrate model organism. The FTIR results of most potent leaf extract-synthesized silver nanoparticles showed the prominent peaks (range between 620.967 to 2,854.14) Further, the results of XRD analysis showed the 2h intense values (38.11 and 70.57) within the ranges of Bragg’s reflection. In addition, the SEM analysis showed the results of particle sizes (50–100 nm). It can be concluded from the present findings that, the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles from the seaweed extract of Padina gymnospora. Can be used as potential exploring its cardioprotective and liver protective ability using zebra fish as model organism.