Mohammed Yahoob Syed Ali
Mohamed Sathak college of Arts and Science, India
Syed Ali M is now currently working as the Head of the department and Research Department of Biotechnology at Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science (Affiliated to University of Madras), Chennai, India. He had completed Phd in Oceanography – Marine Biotechnology 2011 (Title: Screening of various biological resources from Gulf of Mannar for the management of Dengue fever) and also Master of Philosophy and Master of Science in Marine Biotechnolgy, 2006. He had published 4238 international publication in peer reviewed journals and also contributed three book chapter. He is the member of five scientific committee to all over the world especially European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Europe (Member ID: 123822) and Advisory Board Member of all of the world.